Painting workshop this Saturday March 16th

"I believe in the invisible. I do not believe in the definitive reality of things around us. For me, reality is the intuition and the imagination and the quiet voice inside my head that says: isn’t that extraordinary? The things in our lives are the shadows of reality, just as we ourselves are shadows." – Duane Michals

I love this quote. It reminds me that there's so much here than what we can see with our eyes.

It reminds me that just because I think something, doesn't mean it's true or that I have to believe it.

It reminds me that when I listen to that quiet voice inside me, I'm guided, held, and oh-so-not-alone.

It reminds me that there is absolute magic all around me – I'm swimming in it! We all are! – all the time, whether I notice it or not. And that it feels better when I notice it. And am in awe of it.

It reminds me that I can shift the lens that I'm looking at the world through, and that when I make the shift, what I see will change.

This Saturday March 16th I'm teaching a live 3-hour live painting workshop on Zoom, where we'll be tapping into that magic invisible by connecting with our inner voices and then turning what we see + hear into the visible.

"Artmaking is making the invisible, visible." – Marcel Duchamp

Mr. Duchamp sums it up well, I'd say!

If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, click here to learn more! It'll be 3 beautiful hours of connecting with your creativity, with me, and with the other workshop-goers, and we'll transform our heartfelt + intuitive messages into beautiful painted affirmations in real-time together. How fun!!

Also: you don't have to be a skilled artist; beginners are totally welcome.

At the end of the workshop you'll walk away with a powerful, personal, symbolic masterpiece that will remind you of the magic that's inside of and around you all the time.

Saturday March 16, 2024 from 10am - 1pm PST.

*The workshop will be recorded and a replay will be sent out afterward.

Have questions? Just hit reply to this email and ask away. I'm here to help!

Hope to see you there if it feels like a fit for you. :)
Can't wait!

With love –


100 emails, 100 days in a row.

Art + words from me to you
to add a ray of sunshine to your days.

Jessica Swift.

I'm an artist, surface pattern + fabric designer, author, mama, and online teacher in Portland, OR. I believe in the power of art-making as a tool for radical self-care. I help people feel a little bit brighter and a little bit less alone through the art and products I make, the words I write, and the classes I teach. Come join almost 10k people in my colorful, uplifting world!

Read more from Jessica Swift.

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