😣 But I'm not good with computers

Hi Reader,

I want to tell you a story about how I went from someone who barely knew how to use a computer and knew nothing about digital art-making to someone who's created hundreds of pattern designs and has artwork on products worldwide.

I first encountered surface pattern design back in 2005 or so, when design blogs were a new, exciting, and very inspiring part of the internet. I saw people licensing artwork to places like Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie, and a lightbulb of knowing suddenly blazed in my mind and my heart: I wanted to be a pattern designer.

The problem was that I had no idea where to begin. I didn't have a fancy computer. In fact, I barely knew how to use a computer for more than email and reading blogs. I didn't know anyone who was a pattern designer, or even anything close to it. I had zero knowledge and a big dream.

I was unsure. It felt like a huge undertaking, starting from zero. I didn't know if I could do it. But I also know that I'm tenacious, unrelenting, determined, self-motivated, stubborn, scrappy, and resourceful. And so I decided to give it a go. I invested a better computer (a little white Apple laptop!). I bought a book called Illustrator For Dummies. I found a tutorial online for how to create patterns in Illustrator. And then I showed up at my computer every.single.day to teach myself how to do it.

It was a long road. It took over a year of consistently showing up, making slow progress, making lots of mistakes, getting incredibly frustrated, and finally figuring it out and designing my first successful repeating pattern on the computer:

The sense of accomplishment and excitement that I felt was intoxicating. That moment sealed the deal for me, and I was obsessed.

Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like had I decided not to even try with pattern design; if I'd decided that it was going to be too hard, or that I didn't have time, or that I just didn't have what it takes. I would've missed out on years – decades – of getting to enjoy doing something that continues to light me up creatively now as much as it did then when I created that first successful pattern.

Sometimes we stop ourselves before we even start. What are your go-to excuses when you stop yourself from doing something your soul is urging you toward?

Not enough time? Not talented enough? Not enough money? Not smart enough? Not tech-savvy enough? Not creative? Don't deserve it?

We've all got our own flavor of ways we hold ourselves back!

If your soul says YES to pattern design like mine did but your mind is making all its familiar excuses (that's what minds do!), what would happen if you chose to listen to your creative soul more than your excuses?

I can help you make your road to learning how to use Illustrator and design your own patterns will be much shorter and less frustrating than mine, and you won't be on your road alone.

I took the long, lonely road so you can take the super short + supported one! (You're welcome! haha)

Like these students, and so many more:

  • "Jessica's class was extremely helpful. She gives great examples that are presented clearly and really helped me learn how to do these steps on my own." – Pamela W.
  • "Pattern Camp was pretty life changing for me... Jess, you are such a great teacher and I hope many students take this opportunity to learn from the best in a fun and productive weekend!" – Sarah I.
  • "Such a great overview of creating a pattern in Illustrator. Well-organized, to the point, and good attention to zooming into the little details so I could watch on my phone just fine. Also, such great *style*, which made the course so inspiring." – Liz W

You might be thinking that learning how to use Illustrator and also design patterns in just 2 days sounds too good to be true.

I promise, it's not!

My Pattern Camp course is designed to walk you quickly and clearly through the process step by step, from setting up your workspace in Illustrator to designing your first repeating patterns.

Even if you've never opened Illustrator before, even if you think you don't know how to draw, even if you're not tech-savvy, even if you have every single reason in the book for why it won't work for you.... I'm standing here on the other side of those excuses, having stood exactly where you are, waving and saying "Grab my hand! Come join me! I'll show you the way!" I've got your back. I know you can do it. And, I'll be on hand the entire time to answer your questions and help you troubleshoot any tricky spots you find yourself in!

It's amazing what can happen when you simply decide to show up, and to keep showing up, until you get where you want to go.

When you enroll in Pattern Camp, you'll get access to:

  • A LIVE, virtual intensive weekend with me (16 hours of learning time together!)
  • 4 live Q+A sessions through the weekend
  • 1 full year access to the lessons – so you can work at your own pace, revisit the lessons, and practice at your convenience
  • A community of fellow Pattern Campers where you can connect, ask questions, get feedback, celebrate, and cheer each other on
  • An Illustrator Primer video to help you learn how to use the program
  • A Procreate Primer video for the iPad if you want to learn how to use that as part of your pattern design workflow

I want you to experience the glee and the excitement of watching your first repeating pattern come to life on your computer screen and of knowing you're capable of so much more than you thought you were. It's addictive and fun, and you deserve it!

Enrollment is only open until August 2 – and then our live Pattern Camp weekend is August 3 & 4. Don't delay!

​ps – Have questions? Hit reply and ask away! We're here to help. :)

pps– Not interested in Pattern Camp? No prob! You can click here to snooze emails from me about the course, but stay on the list for future emails about other good stuff.


Jessica Swift.

I'm an artist, surface pattern + fabric designer, author, mama, and online teacher in Portland, OR. I believe in the power of art-making as a tool for radical self-care. I help people feel a little bit brighter and a little bit less alone through the art and products I make, the words I write, and the classes I teach. Come join almost 10k people in my colorful, uplifting world!

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